Russians are very strange: best cold soup for hot weather

Review Pro
2 min readJul 9, 2021

Okroshka is a cold minced soup of Russian origin. The name of this dish came from the Russian word “ kroshit’, which is “mince,” in English. For 300 years of Okroshka’s existence, the recipe is still not finalized.

This traditional summer recipe is a perfect treat, made to cool off your body during the heat. The recipe was changed several times during 300 years, but its name is the only thing that stayed the same.

Let’s start with a recipe. Basically, you need to mince the groceries, mix them with a dressing, get them cooled, and then add … what?

Here’s the moment when Russians split into two sides: some say that you need to add buttermilk, while others suggest kvas (a non-alcoholic beverage made from fermented black or rye bread).

But let’s review both options.

Buttermilk-based Okroshka:


1 liter of buttermilk

0,5 liters of water

1 large fresh cucumber

4 boiled eggs

Fresh herbs (dill, scallions)

2 boiled potatoes

200 grams of baloney

Radishes (optional)

